[Kovove materialy - Metallic materials]
    Wed - July 03, 2024 - 09:25 No. of hits : 1761687 ISSN 1338-4252 (online) ISSN 0023-432X (printed)
© Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

VOLUME 33 (1995), Issue 6

Effect of nets of microcracks on elastic properties of materials (in Czech)
vol. 33 (1995), no. 6, pp. 418 - 426

Low elastic stiffness of coatings and of free-standing parts prepared by thermal spraying is explained as an effect of microcracks between and inside the splats. Two theoretical models are used for estimates of the elastic constants: imperfect bonding between the "bricks" and representation of the microcracks by hollow flat rotational ellipsoids.
Both models describe the elastic anisotropy of the material (the so-called transverse isotropy with five independent elastic constants), the decrease of Young moduli in comparison with bulk material without microcracks and different behaviour in tension and in compression.

Key words
low elastic stiffness, coatings, microcracks

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Full title of this journal is bilingual: Kovové materiály - Metallic Materials.
The official abbreviation in accordance with JCR ISI is Kovove Mater.

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