[Kovove materialy - Metallic materials]
    Wed - July 03, 2024 - 09:39 No. of hits : 1761688 ISSN 1338-4252 (online) ISSN 0023-432X (printed)
© Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

VOLUME 34 (1996), Issue 5

Metallic multilayer coatings on carbon fibres
vol. 34 (1996), no. 5, pp. 318 - 325

The paper deals with the evaluation of structural changes on the surface of galvanically metal coated high strength TORAYCA T300 carbon fibres after annealing at 1123 K. It was revealed that thin nickel layers (~0.05 µm) during the heat treatment were destroyed and spherical particles of Ni arose. Due to diffusion of Ni from these particles into the carbon fibre the surface notches were created. This effect was not observed when the carbon fibres with both thin Ni layer and galvanically deposited copper layer were annealed. The layers were destroyed and agglomerates of various shapes arose but the surface of the fibres remained smooth. The same behaviour was observed at the annealing of carbon fibres coated only by a copper layer [1].

Key words
carbon fibres, annealing, diffusion

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Full title of this journal is bilingual: Kovové materiály - Metallic Materials.
The official abbreviation in accordance with JCR ISI is Kovove Mater.

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