[Kovove materialy - Metallic materials]
    Wed - July 03, 2024 - 09:32 No. of hits : 1761688 ISSN 1338-4252 (online) ISSN 0023-432X (printed)
© Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

VOLUME 58 (2020), Issue 2

Structure evolution and entropy increase in InBiGaSn equiatomic melt
vol. 58 (2020), no. 2, pp. 103 - 109
DOI: 10.4149/km_2020_2_103

Structure of quaternary InBiGaSn equiatomic molten alloy has been studied using the X-ray diffraction method at different temperatures within range from 375 up to 773 K. Structure factors and pair correlation functions are analyzed and used to determine the main structure parameters. The structure of the quaternary melt is compared with one both for liquid constituent elements and partial binary melts. The results are interpreted with accounting for the thermodynamic data. It is shown that In-Bi interaction is the dominant factor, which promotes the formation of a structure with close to random atomic distribution.

Key words
low melting temperature alloys, cluster structure, high entropy alloys

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Full title of this journal is bilingual: Kovové materiály - Metallic Materials.
The official abbreviation in accordance with JCR ISI is Kovove Mater.

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